Growth Marketing
Nowadays, it has become increasingly difficult to successfully sell products and services to consumers. They have seen every marketing strategy there is to see; thus, web marketers are forced to constantly innovate to cope with the increasing demand on content. This is where running a continuous improvement campaign can be...
Growth Marketing
Directing traffic is a tough job. On the streets, it’s a thankless task that comes with rain, mud, and plenty of disrespect from passersby’s. On the web, it can be just as nasty. Talk to any marketer tasked with drawing traffic to a certain page or funnel, and they’ll regale you with...
Growth Marketing
There is no denying that e-Commerce is steadily growing at a fast pace. This is definitely a win-win situation for both the consumers and the entrepreneurs, since it offers convenience and a million opportunities for either party. But as e-Commerce grows, the need for online entrepreneurs to not only...
Growth Marketing
It’s Monday morning and you’ve got a lot on your plate. The sales over the weekend were not that great. The last promotion did OK, but it should have done better. Will the new campaigns be ready to go on time? What else do you need to do to hit the numbers this week? You...