E-Commerce Conversion Success: Putting Consumers First

Dennis van der Heijden
December 12, 2014 ·

There is no denying that e-Commerce is steadily growing at a fast pace. This is definitely a win-win situation for both the consumers and the entrepreneurs, since it offers convenience and a million opportunities for either party. But as e-Commerce grows, the need for online entrepreneurs to not only focus on the traffic of their site becomes more apparent. Instead of treating these consumers as visitors of the site, it’s time to look at them at a different perspective—as real humans with individual needs. This way, you can create something great out of your online site and ensure your e-Commerce success.

In this webinar, Kevin Eichelberger of Blue Acorn, along with Ecommerce A/B testing software Convert, talks about eCommerce conversion optimization and how it impacts both the consumer and the website owners.

User Experience

When it comes to e-Commerce, it always boils down to one thing—user experience. Since your consumers cannot touch or smell your products, you have to make sure that they are visually appealing. Basically, the only senses consumers use when deciding whether or not your products are worth the buy are the visual and acoustic senses. Hence, you need to exert your every effort to make your goods look (and possibly sound) irresistible. As mentioned in this eConsulting article you can also try and push the envelope in user experience:

…the eCommerce teams that take chances and push the boundaries of are to be applauded. Guidelines are precisely that: guidelines. Rules are there to be broken. And innovation is always to be encouraged, even when it doesn’t work out.

Chris Lake
Branding your Product e-commerce

Branding your Product

Aside from photos that will lure your audience into buying your products, you should also create your own brand. They say that your first impression often lasts, and this is true particularly in the virtual domain.

If you are creative at heart, it’s time to unleash that artistic side. Nonetheless, never forget the importance of making sure that the technical aspect of your site is working perfectly because it’s not enough that your site is creative, it also has to be functional. Therefore, creating an effective and user-friendly website is always a combination of art and science.

  • WEB DESIGN: An important aspect of branding is choosing the most appropriate web design for your site. Other than ensuring that your web design will greatly highlight your products, it is also vital that you place great value on simplicity. Do not put too many buttons which will make your visitors confused. Keep your pages clean and neat and always see to it that your consumers are given simple and understandable instructions. Remember, it’s not always about how high-grade your products, but how your site can enable fast and easy transactions.
  • ESTABLISH CLARITY: Always present a guide that will help navigators go around your page. Before going live, check if the important aspects of your site can be readily seen by your consumers. For instance, did you put the search box, the registration box or the ‘buy now’ button in visible parts of your site? If not, then you have to go through your layout and make sure that they are.
  • ACCESSIBILITY: Aside from being physically appealing and friendly to the consumers, can your site be accessed by different types of gadgets? A lot of consumers use their mobile phones to check different online sites. Therefore, it is vital that your web design enables users to easily access your site whether they are using large or small screens.

With all these tips and tricks, your business is definitely bound for success. Remember, always put your customers first, and you will surely be in line with the top-of-the-line entrepreneurs in no time. If you want yo learn more about this or about the webinar, you can see more about it here.

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Originally published December 12, 2014 - Updated April 05, 2022
Written By
Dennis van der Heijden
Dennis van der Heijden
Dennis van der Heijden
Co-founder & CEO of Convert, passionate community builder and out-of-the-box thinker. 

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