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Write for us on Convert Blog
Write for us on Convert Blog

Share Your Brand and Your Optimization Knowledge with 10,000+ CRO Enthusiasts

A post on the Convert blog is read by industry influencers, our social media followers, and our engaged (and ever growing) newsletter list.

Ready to write for us?

Click to Read Requirements


We are NOT looking for fluff posts that rehash what is already doing the rounds. Here are the two main categories in which we accept guest posts:

Thought Leadership Content:

Do you have original research? Have you found a unique solution to a persistent problem? Tell our readers. They will understand it and appreciate your desire to bring something progressive to their inboxes and social feed.

Step-by-Step Processes:

Have you standardized the execution of an effective tactic? We want to hear about it. Break it down, offer lots of actionable ideas. And we might invite you to do a webinar to build on the subject.

Too Much to Read?

Watch this Video to Understand Our Editorial Flow & Increase Your Chances of Getting Published.

These are the themes for 2024:

We have content themes that guide what gets published. Make sure you pick one, if you want your piece to be published.

Breaking Silos In A/B Testing

Breaking Silos In
A/B Testing

Understanding A/B Testing Stats

A/B Testing Stats

Getting Executive Buy-In For Experimentation

Getting Executive Buy-In
For Experimentation

Communication in Experimentation Teams

Communication in Experimentation Teams


Official Google Analytics retweet
This is an example where the official Google Analytics account picked up a guest post on the Convert blog by Phillip Koo of Fluent.
PS: In case you’re wondering what magic Phillip wove, here is the article.
  • The chance of being retweeted by brands like Google.
  • The chance to get boosted on Facebook. Yes, if our tribe loves your stuff, we will boost your post to reach even more people.

Working with Convert on blog was started with my outreach and they responded very dearly.

The conversation went well and I submitted an article which went live within a few days. I was eagerly waiting to work with Convert and that came true.

My article got a great response from the audience of Convert and I would love to work with the team again and again.

Ashwini Dave

Ashwini Dave

Marketing, Acquire

In my six year experience of guest posting and collaborating with editors it’s safe to say that there was no other like Convert.com

A very unique and streamlined experience with zero time-waste. With their detailed ‘write for us’ page you can instantly see what they expect from you as a guest writer, and what you are getting in return.

One other huge thing is the content calendar, it tells you roughly what topic they want to cover for each coming month, with enough wiggle space to make the topic your own. Until that point the process is automated, and if your topic catches the eye of editors they will help you with the finalization. The editing team is very responsive and diligent, and they guide you through the rest of the process.

Truly a one of a kind experience.

Daniel Bishop

Daniel Bishop

Marketing, ReallySimpleSystems


  • We only accept blog drafts. Please submit the final draft as a Google Drive document using the form on this page to be considered for publishing. No exceptions!
  • We understand that it takes time and effort to create quality content. So we request you to please:
    • Ensure that your post topic aligns with the content themes for the calendar of the year (shared above)
    • Ensure that your draft respects these guidelines
  • For every blog draft, we will get back to you with a first response within 3 to 5 BUSINESS DAYS. We value your contribution.
  • Once your draft is added to our calendar, our content team may make changes to your blog for better fit with our writing style. We will also add meta-data and recommended resources.
  • In respect of the new Google guidelines, your author bio links and all outbound links in the blog body will be no-follow. Please make sure these links are relevant and useful. Otherwise they will be removed.
  • Being search engine friendly is a top requirement for the guest posts that go live on convert.com/blog.
  • We will also reserve the right to borrow snippets from your article to create quote cards and social posts. This will be extra exposure for your content.
  • When the post goes live, someone from Content Publishing will email you the URL of the piece. Feel free to inquire about the publish date of your blog if you want to stay updated.
  • We will amplify the reach of your post through social sharing, in our CRO focused newsletter and even within the company.

Convert SEO & Content Guidelines for Guest Posts

Being search engine friendly is a top requirement for the guest posts that go live on convert.com/blog.

If you're working on one, please note the following:

Writing For Us?

  • Choose a main keyword for the post that's relevant to the CRO niche.
  • Use it in the headline you're crafting.
  • Write a 70 character meta title with the main keyword in it. This keyword should (preferably) be towards the start of the title.
  • Write a 170 to 200 character meta description with the main keyword in it.
  • The main keyword and at least 3 to 5 variations of it should be found in the body of your article.
  • Learn about LSI at https://lsigraph.com/.
  • Have H2 and H3 headings. We love listicles when done right.
  • Link out to at least 2 quality external sites which add value to the content. Don't use the main keyword as the anchor text.

Here are 10 Basic Guidelines for Approval


Your content should be at least 1200 words. If you're writing on a topic that's more of a "How to" /tutorial, pairing it down to about 600 words is acceptable.


Please add real world examples, numbers and references to support bullet points, if your article is about tactics to implement/execute a particular strategy. For example - we don't want to talk about personalization and why it is important. We would like to see examples of personalizations that work (or miss the mark) instead.


Make an impression in the first paragraph. Use powerful stats. Cite research. Don't start a long winded story. Your intro is your chance to hook - make it work. This is non-negotiable.


Our team does edits to every post. This aligns your content with our brand, if needed. But do give your posts a thorough edit before submission.


Make sure your draft has at least two quality images, or screenshots (as applicable).


Please include at least one quote from an authority in the field that you are writing about.


Please make sure that your bio has just one link back to your preferred site. Any hyperlinks in the content may be excluded during publishing.


Give us your final preference for name, bio, image, and backlink with your blog submission. Because of our schedule, we can't make changes to articles that have been published.


Core optimization content and real test data are ALWAYS preferred. If you write a piece about the merits of Two-Tailed Testing. Or the 5 things about statistical significance testers overlook - we'll (probably) boost your content on social.


We will share the URL with you once your post goes live. Feel free to send an email to trina@convert.com and ask about your content publish date. We will answer ASAP.


Experimentation Knowledge

Let’s Go. Fill Out the Google Form and We’ll Put You on the CRO Map.

Submit Post Draft

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