Convert commits to support ‘Do Not Track’

Dennis van der Heijden
March 2, 2018 ·

Do Not Track (or just DNT) is a privacy setting end-users can set in most browsers. From February 15, 2018, Convert Experiences will automatically support this setting across its entire install base.

“We support Do Not Track because we think it’s really important that you have a simple way to control how end-user information gets used. We honor DNT as a signal for how you and your end-users want us to use data.” says Dionysia Kontotasiou who is responsible for user privacy at We are making our company compliant with GDPR and are working to prepare our application roadmap.

In the last year, many end-users have signaled that they want a new way of engaging with brands. In Canada, Canadian federal legislation brings us changes with the Privacy Act. With the passing of GDPR, European Union member states have voiced support for a more respectful interaction with end-users data.

We hear them and we will respect their voices.

From a technical implementation standpoint, Convert Experiences will support the push for data privacy by adjusting for DNT’s three possible values:

  1. Do Not Track (Opt out of tracking)
  2. Track (Opt into tracking)
  3. Null – No preference

By default, web browsers use the null value (no preference)—indicating that the end-user hasn’t expressed a desire for whether they want to be tracked or not.

Convert Experiences will not load the scripts when option one, the Do Not Track (Opt out of tracking) in the browser is set, and will load with the other two options.

Jonathan Mayer and Arvind Narayanan, at Stanford University, are the two principal researchers who have been working on Do Not Track technology. It uses information in the HTTP header to universally opt out of all online tracking.

“As a technology model, Do Not Track is clearly superior to an opt-out mechanism,” said Mayer, referring to commitments by Google other browser to support the technology on their websites. “So the technology question is now settled: It’s Do Not Track.”

As support for a more authentic relationship between end-user and brands, from February, 15th 2018, Convert Experiments will offer all customers the option to not load the script when the browser indicates Do Not Track—as setup by the end-user either in EU, EEA or worldwide.

For all the details, including how to turn on Do Not Track, visit For questions about this change, feel free to contact us.

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Originally published March 02, 2018 - Updated January 10, 2022
Written By
Dennis van der Heijden
Dennis van der Heijden
Dennis van der Heijden
Co-founder & CEO of Convert, passionate community builder and out-of-the-box thinker. 

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