[Press Release] More than profits, Conscious Business philosophy betters the world

Fabiola Martinez
June 16, 2016 ·

PRESS RELEASE – Convert.com

Walnut, CA | May 31st., 2016

  • Convert joins an elite group of successful corporations by basing their business model on the tenets of Conscious Business practices. Following in the footsteps of Whole Foods and Google, Convert places the health of the environment, well-being of their staff and success of their clients at the core of every decision.

The Conscious Business model increases revenues while doing better for the world. In an age where consumers are actively choosing their purchases based on environmental and social impacts, Convert has joined the ranks of Whole Foods, Southwest Airlines, Google, Etsy, Sputnik Moment by Salesforce, Hootsuite, Singlebrook, aWhere and the like, in launching a Conscious Business philosophy. With a triple bottom line that endeavors to add value to people, planet and profit, Conscious Businesses are ones that recognize that the sum is greater than the parts.

In a recent article published by Forbes.com, it is noted that brands that identify with conscious business practices have seen investment returns of 1025% over the past ten years, compared to only 122% for the S&P 500. 1  While investors would cheer at these numbers, the general consumer wants to know that their dollars are at the least not harming the planet and are in fact improving the planet, providing further incentive to do business. Co-Founder of the Conscious Capitalism Movement and CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey says, “When businesses operate with higher purpose beyond profits and create value for all stakeholders, trade offs are largely eliminated, performance is elevated, and the entire system flourishes. Everyone wins.”2

While greening a product has become common in the marketplace, Conscious Business is at the core of every business decision rather than being added on later as a program to dupe consumers,  thwart criticism or help manage a business’ reputation.  Forefront of Convert’s Conscious Business model is becoming become a 100x carbon positive company.

In addition to recognizing the importance of the environment, Convert recognizes that women are underrepresented in the IT community. Whenever possible Convert strives to create a 1:1 female-male ratio within the workplace, and implements practices that encourage the application and hiring of exceptional team members who are also women.

Convert also gives back in a big way to their local community through HELPS International by donating to their ONIL Stove Program. The ONIL stove is donated to rural families, replacing the traditional open fire pits which reduce the risk of injury, improves ventilation, saves time to gather wood and wood consumption by 70%, in fact one stove reduces carbon released into the air at a rate of 2.893 tons of CO2e a year (equivalent to 2,500 individual flight seats from Cancun to Toronto and back).

Convert CEO Dennis van der Heijden says,  “We provide sustainability and transparency in all what we do, from increasing value for our stakeholders and clients, to expanded opportunities for development and career growth for our employees and improving the local and global environment by becoming carbon neutral.”

For more information on Convert’s Conscious Business visit our website or our recent blog post here.

CEO Dennis van der Heijden

About Convert.com

Convert.com is the leading A/B & Multivariate testing software for enterprise and eCommerce agencies. Its flagship product, Convert Experiments™, is a one-code installation solution that provides risk-free testing of large groups of landing pages through deep integrations with major eCommerce platforms and analytics tools. The solution allows for full control over every aspect of a test with features such as minimum and maximum test durations, manual and automatic variation controls, as well as historical insights into stoppage of test variations. Agency-friendly features include unlimited projects and client accounts, multi-domain testing and tracking, development tools for jQuery, JavaScript and CSS. Convert.com is headquartered in Walnut, CA with offices in Mexico and Romania. More information is available at https://www.convert.com

Media Contact:

Fabiola Martinez
Marketing Lead
888-666-9711 ext. #204

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Originally published June 16, 2016 - Updated January 06, 2022
Written By
Fabiola Martinez
Fabiola Martinez
Fabiola Martinez
As Digital Marketing Lead of Convert.com, Fabiola is responsible for increasing brand awareness, community growth and lead generation

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