Quality Assurance (QA) Checklist for A/B Tests: 30+ Critical Things CRO Experts Check Before Pushing a Test Live.

Fillable PDF. Use as many times as you want. Contains foolproof practices to protect your online experiments from mayhem.

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Comparison Illustration

We asked the CRO community about the importance of Quality Assurance before pushing A/B tests live.

The response was clear.

100% of respondents said the QA process is critical to the success of an experiment.

We’ve taken industry-wide Quality Assurance best practices, and merged them with insights from Convert’s Certified Agency Partners to create a comprehensive checklist you’ll find yourself using again and again.

30 critical factors, broken down into categories. Fillable PDF format for convenience.

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Rich Resources

Rich Resources

We’ve added links to tools and resources that will give you a leg up in the QA process.

Secret Pricing Included

Zero Overwhelm

We could have made this list humongous. We didn’t. These are 30 of the most important factors to check for.

Expert Recommended

Expert Recommended

We’ve given you a sneak peek into the Quality Assurance process of 3 of Convert’s Certified Agency Partners. Learn from the pros.

Dennis van der Heijden

This Guide Has Been Compiled
Trina Moitra, Head of Growth @ Convert

Trina is a conversion copywriter, an optimization enthusiast, and a funnel tuner. She’s passionate about helping Convert’s community with resources that matter.

Never Push an A/B Test Live without Quality
Assurance Again. We’ve Simplified the Process.

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