
Your Typical Day can Go Viral. And Win You a GoPro HERO7. All You Have to Do Is Film It.

Are you a conversion rate optimization professional? Here’s a chance to boost your brand and inspire the next generation of testers. Just participate in Convert’s #DayintheCROLife contest.

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Win You a GoPro

Step 1

Write a killer script covering what you’ll film in your typical day as an optimizer

Step 2

Upload your script in the Enter section of the form below. Once you hit “Submit Script”, you’ll be given a unique link to the voting gallery that can be shared on social media and through email

Step 3

Share this link on social and through email. Encourage people to look for your script and vote for it

Step 4

Every month on the 30th we’ll declare the name of the winner (You’ll get an email from us)

Step 5

We’ll congratulate you and ship you a GoPro 7, complete with its accessories kit

Step 6

Film a 5 to 7 minute video segment (with the GoPro 7 equipment) covering your life and share the digital file with us

Let Convert's Social Media Maven Walk You Through Your Script Upload

Upload your script in the Enter section

We’ll Use Your Video on Social, in Our Email Campaigns, (and Everywhere Else) to Tell Human Stories in Optimization’s World of Numbers.

Know Someone Who Would Love to Participate? Invite Them to the #dayinthecrolife Party!

Here’s how you can get more people to vote for your script

Share the unique URL of your entry on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You will get this URL after your form submission.
Focus on being relatable in your uploaded script. What can you shoot that will make people smile, nod their heads and just "get" the ups and downs of an optimizer’s journey?
Put your unique submission URL on your website, or write a blog post requesting readers to take action! You can get HUGE things, if you ask with heart and smarts.

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