For 19 years Ben Hunt has has designed successful web sites for a number of marketing and branding agencies, and has crafted user experiences for some of the world's busiest sites. Ben's web design tutorials have been read by millions, and he is recognized as one of the most influential figures in web design and usability. He has written two ground-breaking books. The first "Save the Pixel - the Art of Simple Web Design" (2008) set the standard for simple design for the web. Ben's second book, "Convert! Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion" (Wiley, 2011) is the result of two years of intensive research and testing into what really makes web sites sell. It is one of the highest-rated marketing books on He is now dedicated to showing site owners and designers exactly how to make their web sites make more money - by attracting more traffic and converting visitors into customers with powerful emotional experiences.
Web design is dead! Long live web design! Design and conversion expert Ben Hunt throws out the familiar model of designing for the web, and introduces a new, approach to online marketing that will challenge you to think in a completely new way. In this webinar Ben will reveal the two types of future web designer and set out his step-by-step model that he uses to guarantee all his clients serious profits.
Ultimate Web Design – How to Make Web Pages Make Real Money